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Transformational Leadership

In a world where disruption can happen in any industry at any time, the value of transformational leadership is increasing rapidly. Transformational leadership is correlated with all sorts of organizational success factors, not least of which is innovation success.

What is "transformational leadership?" In their article, "What the Best Transformational Leaders Do," Scott Anthony and Evan Schwartz present a few characteristics of transformational leaders that enable their organizations to thrive in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, chaotic, and ambiguous) world.

In the most recent edition of The Journal of Product Innovation Management, researchers Diana B. Perra , Jatinder S. Sidhu, and Henk W. Volberda showed how another key factor contributes to successful transformational leadership: defining the identity of the organization. If you define your organization in terms of the products or services it provides, you are going to have a hard time transforming the organization to be anything but a provider of such products and services. But if you define your organization in terms of core values, then you can more easily transform what the organization does and how it does it in order to deliver those values to the world.

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